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- Professional Clipper Library -
Version 1.00
Copyright Acknowledgments
CLIPPER is a Trademark of Nantucket, Inc.
IBM is a Trademark of International Business Machines.
Tom Rettig Library is a Trademark of Tom Rettig & Assoc.
Microsoft Overlay Linker is a Trademark of Microsoft Corp.
PLINK86plus is a Trademark of Phoenix Technologies, Ltd.
The Professional Clipper Library (PROCLIP.LIB) is not designed to
replace the standard Nantucket Clipper Library (Winter '86), simply to
enhance its capabilities. Some of the routines contained in PROCLIP are
undoubtedly contained in the next release from Nantucket but I needed
them now so I wrote them. Also, as I am an avid fan (and registered
owner) of the Tom Rettig Library, I have taken precautions not to
duplicate his work. I have coded some routines similar to his which
have enhancements, but I will not attempt to "reinvent the wheel." The
purpose of this library is to provide the programmer with additional
tools that Nantucket and Tom haven't gotten around to releasing yet.
I am releasing this software under the concept that most of us pay for
what we use and appreciate. Those in the crowd who must steal from
others can have at it, but your ears will become infested with the fleas
of a thousand camels. If these functions are useful to you and you
would like to encourage the creation of more a registration fee of
$25.00 is suggested and appreciated. I also encourage more input into
the creation of other functions. Every one of these functions were
created from input from other CLIPPER users such as yourself. I'm not
too good at dreaming these things up but I can follow directions pretty
good. Now I'm not egotistic enough to say I can write anything, but
give me an idea of what you'd like and I'll see what I can do. I will
do my best to correct any programming problems (bugs) which are located
and brought to my attention. I will not, however, be held responsible
for any damages either real or imagined from the use of PROCLIP.
Also, if any of you would like to obtain the source code for this
library please send your request, along with an additional $25.00 to the
address listed below. Currently all source code is 8088 assembler and
heavily documented.
For registration .or. source code:
Genesis Development
3504 Jasmine Lane
Rowlett, Texas 75088
Source ID: NAN779
CompuServe: 71410,2051
Page #1
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Genesis Development
PROCLIP.LIB v1.00 Documentation August 23, 1987
As I am particularly fond of the UDF (user defined function) command
type, most of my examples will be using them. Only in a few cases must
we mandate the use of the procedure call format. The UDF type simply
makes for cleaner looking code.
In almost all cases the functions are checking the parameter count,
types and values to prevent runtime problems. The library is using the
published CLIPPER vector names for parameter retrieval and return
(EXTENDA). Hopefully this will prevent this library from becoming
obsolete with new versions of CLIPPER.
Use of this library is identical to that of any other library designed
for use with CLIPPER:
With MicroSoft Linker -
Microsoft (R) Overlay Linker Version 3.51
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986. All rights
Object Modules [.OBJ]: YOURPROG
List File [NUL.MAP]:
With PLink86 -
PLINK86plus ( Nantucket ) Version 2.21
Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 by Phoenix Technologies Ltd.,
All Rights Reserved.
Page #2
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Genesis Development
PROCLIP.LIB v1.00 Documentation August 23, 1987
* * * NOTICES & WARNINGS * * *
If you are using PROCLIP with any other library which contains the same
function names (eg. SCROLL) you will see some warning errors generated
by whichever linker you are using. If you like the PROCLIP function
better than the others just make certain that PROCLIP is the first
library in the list after the CLIPPER library is specified. Neither
linker appreciates a bunch of functions with the same names but they
both will use the first function of that name that they encounter.
If you specify a function in CLIPPER you cannot specify it as a
procedure in a different module of the same program and vice versa.
What this means is...be consistent. If you use one of the routines as a
function (eg. newattr(10,20,12,60,'n/w') ) you cannot use it in a
different module of the same program as a procedure (eg. call newattr
with 10,20,12,60,'n/w'). CLIPPER will scream it's head off at you so
you don;t have to worry about it compiling incorrectly.
Page #3
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Genesis Development
PROCLIP.LIB v1.00 Documentation August 23, 1987
Function Name: SCROLL
I know, I know, who doesn't already have a SCROLL routine. The
Nantucket (DBU.LIB) and Rettig (TR86.LIB) libraries have nice
scroll routines but neither one of them let you control the
attribute of the blank line left behind. In some of my
applications this got to be a real pain so I decided to fix it.
After studying both Nantucket and Rettig's SCROLL routines I
decided that Tom had the most sensible call format so I borrowed
it. We won't mention the fact that I was also used to using it.
As a function -
As a procedure -
call scroll with top,left,bottom,right,lines,dir[,attr]
top.......topmost row of the area to be scrolled. Value
checked to be between 0 and 24 inclusive.
left......leftmost column of the area to be scrolled. Value
checked to be between 0 and 79 inclusive.
bottom....ending (bottommost?) row of the area to be scrolled.
Value checked to be greater than TOP but less than
or equal to 24.
right.....rightmost column of the area to be scrolled. Value
checked to be greater than LEFT but less than or
equal to 79.
Lines.....number of lines to be scrolled, or zero (0) to
scroll entire window (effectively erasing it).
Value checked to be equal to or less than BOTTOM -
Dir.......non case sensitive character variable or constant
containing a flag indicating the direction of the
scroll (u = Up & d = Down).
Attr......non case sensitive character variable or constant
containing a valid color command and combination for
character and background. Must be the alpha
representation of the color, the numeric will be
rejected. This is NOT a mandatory parameter. If
you do not furnish it in the command line the
function will use the attribute currently on the
screen for the character in the TOP, LEFT position.
Page #4
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Genesis Development
PROCLIP.LIB v1.00 Documentation August 23, 1987
SCROLL (cont'd)
(valid colors)
black N
blue B
green G
cyan BG
red R
magenta RB
brown GR
white W
intense +
blink *
1. This will scroll one line down in the area from row #10,
column #20 through row #12, column #60 using an attribute
of black character (n) and white background (w).
(or call scroll with 10,20,12,20,1,'d','n/w')
2. This will scroll one line down in the area from row
#05,column #00 through row #20, column #79 using whatever
the attribute of the character at 10,20 currently is.
Not a thing. This function will either perform the function
or ignore the request because of some parameter problem.
Page #5
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Genesis Development
PROCLIP.LIB v1.00 Documentation August 23, 1987
Function Name: NEWATTR
This function was created for those of us who wish to highlight a
particular area of the screen without having to bother setting
colors and rewriting the text. This is real useful if you'd like
to highlight a menu item or prompt area without having to rewrite
it. When called with the proper parameters the function will
change the attribute of the specified area (box).
NEWATTR in its current form uses the IBM standard BIOS interrupt
for writing to the screen. Given this it will not "pop" onto the
screen on computers with slower clock cycles (4.77MHz - 6.0MHz).
If the need arises I will write a different version to do direct
screen writing.
As a function -
As a procedure -
call newattr with top,left,bottom,right,attr
top.......topmost row of the area to be changed. Value
checked to be between 0 and 24 inclusive.
left......leftmost column of the area to be changed. Value
checked to be between 0 and 79 inclusive.
bottom....ending (bottommost?) row of the area to be changed.
Value checked to be greater than TOP but less than
or equal to 24.
right.....rightmost column of the area to be changed. Value
checked to be greater than LEFT but less than or
equal to 79.
Attr......non case sensitive character variable or constant
containing a valid color command and combination for
character and background. Must be the alpha
representation of the color, the numeric will be
Page #6
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Genesis Development
PROCLIP.LIB v1.00 Documentation August 23, 1987
NEWATTR (cont'd)
(valid colors)
black N
blue B
green G
cyan BG
red R
magenta RB
brown GR
white W
intense +
blink *
1. This will change the character attributes from row #10,
column #20 through row #12, column #60 to intense
blinking red on a black background (somebody must have
hit the wrong key).
2. This will change the character attributes from row #05,
column #10 through row #05, column #15 to inverse with
black characters.
t = 05
l = 10
b = 05
r = 15
Not a thing. This function will either operate with the given
parameters of reject them due to validity checking.
Page #7
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Genesis Development
PROCLIP.LIB v1.00 Documentation August 23, 1987
Function Name: SAVEBOX
In Clipper if you want to use the neat BOX command to prompt for a
parameter or issue a warning and restore the screen to its original
beauty and luster, you have to save the entire screen to a memory
variable and then restore it. This is fine but if you get too many
saved screens you'll run smack out of memory. Each screen as saved
by CLIPPER requires a minimum of 4096 bytes. Tom Rettig was nice
enough to allow us to slam that puppy on the disk but even this
causes more trouble than necessary. The concept behind the SAVEBOX
function was to allow the programmer to save only a specific
section of the screen into a pre-defined memory variable. Using
this you can save all the screen (4096 bytes) or only one character
(2 bytes) or anywhere in between.
As this procedure requires a pre-defined character memory variable
to contain the screen data please ensure you define the variable as
this document suggests (sizewise).
This procedure is just that, a procedure. Do not call it as a
function because CLIPPER will not allow me to return the character
memory variable intact with all the goodies.
As a function -
As a procedure -
call savebox with top,left,bottom,right,scrnarea
top.......topmost row of the area to be changed. Value
checked to be between 0 and 24 inclusive.
left......leftmost column of the area to be changed. Value
checked to be between 0 and 79 inclusive.
bottom....ending (bottommost?) row of the area to be changed.
Value checked to be greater than TOP but less than
or equal to 24.
right.....rightmost column of the area to be changed. Value
checked to be greater than LEFT but less than or
equal to 79.
Page #8
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Genesis Development
PROCLIP.LIB v1.00 Documentation August 23, 1987
SAVEBOX (cont'd)
scrnarea..a pre-defined character memory variable which will
contain the screen data (and some control
information) upon return. If the memory variable is
not large enough to contain the total screen data
requested it will be filled with whatever I can
stuff into it. Use this algorithm (Texan for
cipher) to allocate the memory variable properly:
(((right - left + 1) * 2) * (bottom - top + 1)) + 6
The extra six (6) bytes on the end are for my
control information. See RESTBOX for usage of
these. It does not matter what the name of the
memory variable is as long as it is a character
type. Use the SPACE command to allocate the
1. To save the screen data, and current attributes, into a
memory variable from row #10, column #20 through row #12,
column #60.
scrn1 = space((((60 - 20 + 1) * 2) * (12 - 10 + 1)) + 6)
call savebox with 10,20,12,60,scrn1
The character memory variable will contain the data as it was
read from the screen preceded by six (6) bytes of control
information. If this variable is released or otherwise
changed the RESTBOX function may not operate as you intended.
Page #9
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Genesis Development
PROCLIP.LIB v1.00 Documentation August 23, 1987
Function Name: RESTBOX
This function doesn't work too well if you don't use SAVEBOX first.
RESTBOX will restore a saved SAVEBOX memory variable to the screen
using either the original coordinates or different coordinates
provided by the programmer. Creative use of SAVEBOX, BOX and
RESTBOX can move stuff all over the screen making the user think
you're a real wizard!
RESTBOX in its current form uses the IBM standard BIOS interrupt
for writing to the screen. Given this it will not "pop" onto the
screen on computers with slower clock cycles (4.77MHz - 6.0MHz).
If the need arises I will write a different version to do direct
screen writing.
As a function -
As a procedure -
call restbox with [top,left,]scrnarea
top.......topmost row of the area to be changed. Value
checked to be between 0 and 24 inclusive. This is
NOT a mandatory parameter, however if TOP is
specified then LEFT must also be specified. If
TOP,LEFT is not specified RESTBOX will obtain the
original position from within the SAVEBOX'd
left......leftmost column of the area to be changed. Value
checked to be between 0 and 79 inclusive. This is
NOT a mandatory parameter, however if LEFT is
specified then TOP must also be specified.
scrnarea..a character memory variable containing a saved
portion of the screen. This area must have been
saved by SAVEBOX. No changes to this memory
variable should have occurred between the SAVEBOX
command and RESTBOX.
Page #10
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Genesis Development
PROCLIP.LIB v1.00 Documentation August 23, 1987
RESTBOX (cont'd)
1. This will restore a previously saved screen area to the
original location.
2. This will restore a previously saved screen area row #10,
column #20 even if this is a different location than it
was originally obtained from.
3. A typical SAVEBOX and RESTBOX combination.
scrn1 = space((((60 - 20 + 1) * 2) * (12 - 10 + 1)) + 6)
call savebox with 10,20,12,60,scrn1
Not a thing. The screen area is restored per instructions.
If the new TOP,LEFT of the screen area forces the BOTTOM,RIGHT
of the area off the screen the program will restore what it
can to the screen stopping at the 79th column and 24th line.
Page #11
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Genesis Development
PROCLIP.LIB v1.00 Documentation August 23, 1987
Function Name: CURSOR
Rumor control has it that future versions of CLIPPER will have a
cursor handling function built in, but that it still won't give the
control this function gives. Many is the time I wished I could set
the cursor to a different size, or make it disappear. Well I
wished one time too many and wrote this function to solve the
Since I do not have access to one of the new nifty keen hi
resolution monitor types recently released by Big Blue I haven't a
clue how this will function. I am assuming two monitor types,
color (or B&W) and monochrome in this function. If you have a
different type of monitor I would be interested in hearing how this
As a function -
As a procedure -
call cursor with '[std,off,half,full]'
std.......sets the cursor to the default for the current
monitor type. Parameter may be either a literal (as
in the examples) or a memory variable. Case is
insignificant as the function will perform case
conversion prior to validation. If this is a color
monitor then the cursor will be activated for video
scan lines 6 thru 7. For a monochrome monitor the
standard activated scan lines are 12 thru 13.
off.......sets the cursor off. The cursor will not show on
the current monitor. Parameter may be either a
literal (as in the examples) or a memory variable.
Case is insignificant as the function will perform
case conversion prior to validation.
half......sets the cursor to one half of the total character
size for the current monitor type. Parameter may be
either a literal (as in the examples) or a memory
variable. Case is insignificant as the function
will perform case conversion prior to validation.On
a color monitor this is scan lines 4 thru 7 and on a
monochrome monitor is scan lines 7 thru 13.
full......sets the cursor to cover the total character
position for the current monitor type. Parameter
may be either a literal (as in the examples) or a
Page #12
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Genesis Development
PROCLIP.LIB v1.00 Documentation August 23, 1987
CURSOR (cont'd)
memory variable. Case is insignificant as the
function will perform case conversion prior to
1. Set the cursor to one half of the current size and then
turn it off for some other activity.
Nothing. Cursor is modified per the request or if the request
is invalid the command is ignored.
Page #13
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Genesis Development